ME020060 – PRB: Re-registering the Administration components (MMC)



After upgrading MailEnable or applying some hotfixes, Microsoft Management Console (MMC) errors may occur or some components in the MailEnable Administration program may be missing.

These errors are typically reported as “IMMCPropertyPage_Initialize” errors or “Type Mismatch” when using the MMC.

If some components in the MMC are missing, before completing the directions below please ensure that the correct MSC file is being used. After the completion of an upgrade the old MSC file is not deleted.  If this original MSC file is being opened then any new administration features will not be displayed. The MSC files are stored in the Program Files\Mail Enable\BIN directory (.msc extension).


This issue can occur when the MailEnable installation program is not able to correctly register a .DLL or system library as a result of an upgrade.


Using the MailEnable Installer to Update System Components:

1. Using Explorer, browse to the C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\BIN directory and select the file called “MEInstaller.exe”. If a menu of options is not displayed, upgrade the installed version of MailEnable to the current release.  

2. Select the component to have refreshed/re-installed. In this case “Re-register MMC Components”

3. Click the Execute button and wait for the component to be updated.

4. Clich on the button to view the installation log and check for errors. (If there are any errors, please review the log file and search the MailEnable Knowledge Base for any error codes).

5. Close the application and see if the problem has been rectified.

Manual Procedure for Re-Registering MMC Libraries:

The following steps allow you to manually re-register MMC components. These instructions are not necessary since the MEInstaller application is the preferred and most effective means of re-registering MMC DLL libraries.

Instructions for manual registration follow:

1. Close the MailEnable Administration program
2. Open a command prompt
3. Execute the following lines in order.

Note: If Professional or Enterprise Editions are not installed, not all the DLLs below may appear. In this case, just register all the ones that begin with “MEAdmin”.

Also, the path to regsvr32 may also be different, in which case, locate the System32 directory and change the paths in the examples below accordingly.

c:\winnt\system32\regsvr32 MEAdmin.DLL
c:\winnt\system32\regsvr32 MEAdminSF.DLL
c:\winnt\system32\regsvr32 MEAdminLS.DLL
c:\winnt\system32\regsvr32 MEAdminMTA.DLL
c:\winnt\system32\regsvr32 MEAdminPOPS.DLL
c:\winnt\system32\regsvr32 MEAdminSMTP.DLL
c:\winnt\system32\regsvr32 MEAdminHTTPMail.DLL
c:\winnt\system32\regsvr32 MEAdminPOPC.DLL
c:\winnt\system32\regsvr32 MEAdminWebMail.DLL
c:\winnt\system32\regsvr32 MEAdminAV.DLL


ME020274 – TRB: How to recreate the msc file for the MailEnable Administration Console



If the MailEnable administration program is producing errors or is missing components, then a new .MSC file may be required.


To recreate the .msc file for MailEnable administration, follow the steps below. The .msc file is a Microsoft Management Console file which contains the administration details. There are a few cases where recreating this file may be required:

1) If a beta product of MailEnable has been installed and upgraded the version.
2) If the current view has been saved in the msc file and then a reinstall of some MailEnable components has been performed.
3) If an older MSC file has been saved over the current file and effectively rolled back the file to an earlier version, thereby making the new functionality not configurable or viewable.

The error “Cannot initialise snap-in” when starting the MailEnable administration program may be an indication of this problem. This error may also occur if trying to access the web administration component inside the snap-in.

Follow these steps first. If this does not resolve the issue, then move onto the next set of steps below:

1) Make sure that the MailEnable administration program is not running
2) Run the MEInstaller.exe application from the Mail Enable\Bin directory
3) This will display a window, select the “Re-Register MMC components” item.
4) Select the Execute button
5) Try the administration program to see if the error is still occurring.

To rebuild the .msc file for the administration console follow the steps below: 

NOTE: If you have installed MailEnable on a 64bit operating system then run the mmc from the Windows “Run” command and use: mmc /32. The MailEnable management snapin is a 32bit application and requires the mmc to be run in 32bit mode.

1) Select the “Add/Remove Snap-In..” menu item from the Console menu
2) If MailEnable is listed in the window displayed, remove it
3) Select “Add…”
4) A list of items that can be added to the MMC will be displayed
5) Scroll through to find a MailEnable Management item
6) Select the item and select “Add…”
7) Select Close
Select OK.
9) Now save the MMC, select “Save As…” from the Console menu. The default name to save is:
C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\Bin\Mail Enable Professional.msc

(“Mail Enable.msc” if using MailEnable Standard).

(“MailEnable Enterprise.msc” if using MailEnable Enterprise). 

It should now be possible to open the new MSC file via the MailEnable program group.  This can also be done by selecting the file in the BIN directory, or from another location if it was saved elsewhere.

